New shiny website - same old blog

Writing my first post on this new and shiny host of mine and hoping that everything will go smoothly with this transition!
I am still in the progress of migrating stuff (maybe I wont bring everything over here.. I am still experimenting and quite stupid actually from all these tutorials I saw about building your own site/blog)!
I don't know why exactly I wanted to change platforms.. I guess that I really needed a new clean start and to change some stuff that I couldn't get at my old host... ...nothing spectacular!
So.... here we go and hopefully you guys are going to like this new blog/site!!!
Anyway... the old blog is not going to be shut down or anything - just put to sleep...
And I'll try to put a selection of blog posts from my old site to this new site. They will show up just underneath this one - in true chronological order.
Like this you can find some old stuff here (I will keep adding posts from my old blog in the next few days, since it all needs quite a long time because it is all done manually,...)
Let's hope that this new place will be welcoming for my little blog!!!