(Phew... that was a long sentence now, wasn't it?)
Although I find it a common method and I always use it in my patterns, many knitters have written to me because they don't understand it completely... strangely I couldn't find any visual aid about this cast on on the internet and that's why I thought a tutorial would be in order.
I tried to make a photo tutorial, as I usually do, but it wasn't so easy to show the position of the right hand needle while I twisted the loop of the stitch before putting it on the other needle... so I thought "what the heck" I'll try my hand on a video-tutorial!
(Update: I ended up making a photo-tutorial, too... you can find it here and download it)
It's my first video... so there are many problems still unsolved. I also beginn to understand all the knitters in the videos that lament the fact that one can't knit properly while having a camera in between body and hands - and it's true that it's very cumbersome to keep an eye on the screen, so that the action stays where it should be and nothing gets out of focus (or, even worse, out of frame).
So... beginning of today I find myself lamenting about new things in my life!!
How wonderful!!!!
I hope that you'll like the vid, and that more of them are going to come...
And I even made my very own "channel" on vimeo: it's here.